
How Does It Work?

Get Matched to Pre-Screened and Member-Referred
Businesses in your area.

Start your search for .
I am making this request because: *
How often do you need this service? *
What type of accountant do you need *
What type of business do you have? *
Annual revenues *
What are your annual revenues?
What accounting software do you currently use *
How many employees do you have?
Do you have a retirement plan for you and your employees
Yes  No
Filing status *
Did the amount you owed in taxes last year come as a surprise
Yes  No
Do you currently have a tax strategy
Yes  No
Do you have rental income
Yes  No
Do you have a trust
Yes  No
Have up to 3 Tax Planning Businesses contact you with special offers, custom packages, & availability

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IT'S FREE! We do not charge you to submit requests through our web site.
NO OBLIGATION! You are not required to hire anyone that responds to your request.
PRIVACY! We do not resell your information to any third party marketers.


"Respond is a great service, connecting buyers and businesses in an easy, comfortable way."

-- Ericka, Salem, OR

"The best part about Respond is that the businesses we reach are very well matched to our needs."

-- Liza, Madison, WI

"Respond has been a great tool for helping me connect with local consumers that can benefit from my service."

-- Max, Springfield, IL

"I use a variety of tools to help me find local professionals, but Respond is definitely my best source of timely and personalized responses."

-- Jessie, Arlington, TX